
We WON! We Won the Annenberg Innovation Lab Crunch Design Challenge!


UPDATE: WE WON!! We took first place in Transmedia Story Telling and our project will be featured at TEDxUSC! Click around links below for more info! Like this one:


Book Review: Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins.


Decker’s a Replicant.

“The older American folk culture was built on borrowings from various mother countries; the modern mass media builds upon borrowings from folk culture; the new convergence culture will be built on borrowings from various media conglomerates.”
– Henry Jenkins

“My name is Legion: for we are many.”
- Gospel according to Mark, 5:9

Social Media is a Cocktail Party (and you’re all invited)


Social Media is a Cocktail Party

By Jim Tolbin Feat. Lisa Braziel

Community Review: Corporate Communities


Whenever I think of the term “corporate community”, it almost feels like an oxymoron. I am of the mindset that my work is my work, and my personal life is my life, and if I can keep those two areas separate from each other, then so much the better. After all, who wants to see the same people all the time – complaining to your friends Saturday night about your whiny staff could be a little awkward, especially on Monday morning.

Director Karen North on Google's Face Recognition App


APOC Director Karen North was recently quoted in CNN's article on Google's Face Recognition App.

USC for Japan recognized by USC President C.L. Max Nikias


Not only do APOC students care about the world, but they are poised to respond in meaningful and effective ways. Last month, within 24 hours of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Evan Jones and Charles Rubinoff (both 2011 current students) created and launched USC for Japan. This site provides information, as well as donation options, for people who care about the natural disaster in Japan.

Over the Rainbow: John C. Tibbetts Opens Archive of Interviews


Over the past year or so, I've been enjoying an active correspondence with John C. Tibbetts, a long-standing film researcher, who recently put out a three volume collection of highlights from American Classic Screen, a publication which in its day represented an important bridge between the world of film buffs and cineastes, on the one hand, and film scholars on the other.

LA Residents


Since I’m new to Los Angeles, one of my new favorite online communities is Downtown LA.

You can follow it on Twitter and Facebook…. it feeds you information about what’s going on in downtown Los Angeles. For example, there are 3800 Followers on Twitter and most are residents of Downtown LA exchanging events, tips and interests about hyper local restaurants and activities.

How Learners Can Be On Top of Their Game: An Interview with James Paul Gee (Part Four)


How Learners Can Be On Top of Their Game: An Interview with James Paul Gee (Part Three)
